Corporate Social Responsibility

At MBSL, we understand that our actions extend beyond our direct customers. We are acutely aware of our impact on our employees, partners, the environment, and the communities we are a part of. Our commitment to addressing climate change and fostering sustainable practices is central to our operations.

We strive to maximize our positive impact while minimizing any negative effects. For us, corporate social responsibility means conducting our business ethically and responsibly, with a strong focus on environmental and social considerations, all while ensuring sustainable growth and profitability.

MBSL respects our relationship with the natural environment and its ecosystems. We acknowledge the adverse impacts that human activity can impose and take actions to prevent degradation of those natural systems.

For example, in relation to the environment:

MBSL and our team commits to the following principles and practices:

• Monitoring and managing our environmental performance and working towards carbon neutrality and targets set to reduce adverse impacts.

• Complying with relevant State and Local environmental policy, practices, regulations and legislation, and industry-specific legislation.

• Reducing the consumption of natural resources in daily operations, including water, paper and energy.

• Follow the fundamental rules of sustainability - Reduce, Re-use and Recycle. We have also introduced a Circular Economy Strategy.

Committing to the principles of preventing pollution to the environment and continual improvement.

• Minimizing our footprint by taking steps to limit carbon emissions resulting from vehicle and air travel. Hybrid working and Flexitime is also in place enabling the Team to travel at off-peak times.

• Where possible, we encourage suppliers to meet high standards of environmental performance.

• Reporting on MBSL’s environmental performance in both internal and external communications, where relevant and possible.

• Reviewing this Policy annually and measuring targets and performance as part of that review.

• MBSL have a “Switch Off Policy” whereby all equipment, that is not required to remain on, such as laptops, monitors, printer’s, air conditioning units, water heaters and coolers are switched off in the evening.

• Wastepaper is disposed of in designated shredding and recycling bins in line with our ISMS.

• Single use plastics have been eliminated from the office where possible.

• MBSL promotes the “Cycle to Work” scheme and the use of public transport by its employees where possible.

• Water and electricity usage is monitored and kept to a minimum.

• Energy efficient heating, cooling and motion sensitive lighting is used throughout our office.

• Energy efficiency is built into our Change Management IT Policy and Procedures whereby an environmental impact assessment in included as part of our Change Management Request process. A review of efficiency and energy rating is performed prior to acquiring a new asset, regardless of the size or intended use.

• MBSL is constantly taking part in the Zero Waste Project.

MBSL strives for continuous improvement in our environmental performance and the MBSL Team are encouraged to co-operate and support fully the MBSL Policy on environmental issues. We consistently aim to surpass the conditions for both current and future environmental legislation and regulation.

Our Role Supporting the Local Community:

Supporting the local community is a cornerstone of our values. We have adapted a Green Procurement Strategy whereby stationery and office supplies have been switched to local providers, cutting down on transportation costs. Additionally, we prioritise eco-friendly, recycled products over alternatives where applicable. By choosing local businesses, we not only reduce our environmental footprint but also bolster the local economy, fostering a sustainable and thriving community.

Making charitable contributions is a vital part of our community engagement. We actively donate to local organisations. helping to sustain these groups and the valuable services they provide within the community and the country as a whole .

We have worked with several organisations and charities on a national scale such as ; The Society of St Vincent De Paul, the Maire Keating Foundation, RNLI as well as various homeless charities. We have also supported; Local Resource Centers, Inner City Community Garden Projects, and a G.A.A club (by means of sponsorship) on a local level.